Expert reveals what it means if you have to pee moments after you’ve just urinated
Experts has revealed what it means if you have to pee moments after you’ve just urinated.
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Have you ever felt the urge to want to go to the toilet even though you’ve just been? It can be frustrating but there might be a reason behind it.
Known in the healthcare industry as “frequent urination,” there could be five main reasons why this happens, according to Business Insider.
Drinking excessive fluids or irritants
One of the main reasons this could be happening might be related to what you’re putting into your body. From drinking excessive amounts of liquid to consuming bladder-irritating foods, there’s a host of things to look out for.
According to Dr. Courtenay Moore, a urologist and clinical associate professor of urology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, some things that can cause irritation are acidic fruits or fruit juices, alcohol, fizzy drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate, and spicy foods.
So what can you do to stop this from happening?
The quickest and easiest thing to do, according to Moore, is to limit how many of the “irritating” foods and drinks you’re having in your daily diet.
It is also advised to try drinking smaller amounts of liquid throughout the day rather than large amounts all at once, as this can put pressure on your bladder rather than gradually filling it up.
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
The next underlying reason for needing to pee frequently, even after you’ve just been, could be related to a urinary tract infection.
Now, if you’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing this common but annoying bacterial infection, then you know just how irritating they can be.
Dr. Ramesh Krishnan, a urologist at Memorial Hermann Medical Group, has previously emphasized that UTIs can cause inflammation in the bladder, which in turn causes the bladder to become overactive.
Other symptoms can also range from painful urination, pressure in the abdomen or pelvis, and pee that’s bloody, cloudy, or smelly.
In terms of treatment, UTIs are usually treated with a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Drinking extra fluids can also help to flush the infection out of the area.
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Overactive bladder
Having a generally overactive bladder can also increase the amount one needs to go to the toilet.
While it is considered normal to be going to the toilet between six to eight times a day, if you’re having to go more than that, then you’ve probably got an overactive bladder, if it’s not anything else on this list.
To confirm this, a healthcare professional would need to identify the underlying cause – whether it be Bladder obstructions, hormonal changes or the introduction of new medication – before they could work on the appropriate treatment.
Interstitial cystitis
The next reason can be related to something known as interstitial cystitis.
Business Insider states that interstitial cystitis sometimes referred to as painful bladder syndrome, is a “chronic condition that results in pain in the pelvic region and frequent urination.”
As per Moore’s advice, many of those who experience this sensation find relief when they go to the toilet as the pressure builds up over time as their bladder fills up.
The pain can range from mild to severe but in the most extreme cases, Moore says some people may even go to the bathroom about 50 times a day.
The condition is much more common in women than men, experts say.
There isn’t a particular treatment for this one, but it can be managed better using tactics such as pelvic physical therapy, botox injections into the bladder, and dietary modification to avoid bladder irritants.
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Prostate issues
And one of the final reasons some people need to pee just after they’ve gone to the toilet could be a prostate issue.
In men, prostate issues, particularly an enlarged prostate, can cause frequent urges to pee, Krishnan told the outlet, noting that it could be related to signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Other symptoms include peeing in the middle of the night, trouble emptying the bladder, and having a weak flow of pee.
So there we have it.
If you suspect that you may be experiencing any of the above, please seek medical advice from a trained professional.